Propoganda Poster

 For our Propaganda Poster, we were supposed to incorporate a topic of choice with our selfie portrait. The topic we chose was supposed to be important and meaningful for us. For my topic, I chose to do a message about traveling during the pandemic. I picked this topic because my dad lives in Germany so he hasn't been able to travel to see my sister and I. The poster included a message telling people to stay safe, limit their travels and wear a mask. We must fight together to overcome this pandemic and get back to our regular lives.

First, we had to create a self portrait on Illustrator. I really enjoyed making the portrait of myself, it definitely took a bit of time to get everything right but I'm very happy with how it turned out. The main tools we used for that were the pen tool to outline our faces. I tried to make my portrait as realistic as possible by making my hair curly and trying to get the right highlights on my face which I made in gradient. Then, for my poster, I decided to use mostly blue colors to symbolize the medical field in a way. I put a blue mask on my face to show people to wear masks. For my message, I used black and blue to put the statements into sections and added an airplane to represent travel. 

Overall, I'm very proud of how my poster turned out. I really like using Illustrator and would definitely use it outside of class. My poster makes a clear message regarding traveling during Covid. 


  1. I love how your poster turned out. I remember the professor showing you how to make the curls in your hair on the software and you changed it to show the details which looks very good. I really like the how you incorporated the leaves of a palm tree under your message to portray traveling. The man also turned out really clean and realistic which in my opinion is hard to do.


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